Early Life & Start of the Journey

Born in Detroit, raised in Atlanta, Haley grew up heavily influenced by her family, especially her mom. Early on she noticed how hard her mom worked to take care of her, and her mom always put a focus on being productive. Going off to school, she’d hear “have a productive day!”. This focus on productivity and work ethic led to Haley always being a bit of an overachiever. She was committed to her actions having value and making a difference. 

The way Haley carried herself starting at a young age led to her viewing herself like a business woman who could be adaptable no matter where she applied herself. Combining her productivity-focused business mindset with her ability to connect with people, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Marketing was a logical path for her to take. Haley's academic pursuits have laid a strong foundation for her already vibrant career. Her early days as a freelance makeup artist sharpened her natural ability to connect with people and make them feel special—an asset that would later become her hallmark in the hospitality industry. 

Y3S Atlanta

Haley’s journey in hospitality began at Y3S in 2023 as an AMPlifier. She’s always viewed herself as a “people person” and believes in the value of connecting with others- this made her a natural fit for Y3S culture. This has led to her journey to this point being as rich and compelling as her character.  

Starting in this role, Haley bet on herself to grow and quickly demonstrated her tenacity and genuine passion for guest service. Growth didn’t take long from here. Her journey from an AMPlifier to a "Connector", and eventually to the pioneering role of "LEAD Connector" at the Atlanta location underscores her remarkable adaptability and leadership. Haley is more than just a team member; she's a visionary who transformed every role she’s held by raising the bar for those around her.

What truly sets Haley apart is her gritty, optimistic outlook. A core member of Your 3rd Spot’s “community outreach team” from the start, she is known for her ability to see solutions where others see obstacles, bringing a positive, can-do attitude that infects the entire team. Haley’s authenticity and deep care for her work and team are palpable. She naturally attracts like-minded individuals and fosters an environment where creativity and innovation thrive.

Under the mentorship of influential and trailblazing leaders like Tanaya and Michaela, and inspired by her parents' resilience, Haley has grown not only in her career but also as a community beacon at Your 3rd Spot. She continues to inspire those around her with her dedication and her ability to make every guest feel uniquely valued, thanks to her attentive and genuine approach to service.

With Haley’s talents and understanding of Y3S hospitality culture, Haley’s growth continues as she becomes the first-ever “Team Support Specialist”. In this role, she blends her marketing savvy, organization skills with unmatched interpersonal skills, setting a new standard for guest engagement and team coordination.

Outside of Y3S

As a recent graduate from Georgia State University with her Bachelor’s in Marketing, looking towards a future bright with possibilities, Haley remains committed to evolving her role, eager to explore the world and bring those global insights back to enrich her community.  

When not at Y3S, you can catch Haley with her cockapoo, Drako. You’ll also likely find her indulging her creativity, whether it’s learning more about playing the guitar, crocheting (with Ray, IYKYK), or anything involving fashion.  

Haley Ellington is not just a part of Your 3rd Spot; she is a driving force behind its spirit of hospitality and an embodiment of enduring leadership and commitment. Stay tuned as her journey continues…